Thread: 7030+ front end
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Old May 29th 05, 02:58 AM
Rick Kunath
Posts: n/a

"John Plimmer" wrote (in part):

I would sell kidney or other spare body part tonight to buy one.
However I live less then 4 miles from a littlel 1KW MW on 770.
And we a few fairly local power houses at 590 and 630 and 1300.
On the 7030+ I could receive the 770+590 fairly strong the , the
and and the 770+1300 very strong. In a nearby park about twice as far
from the 770 station as my home, I get no mix products. The 770 is so
strong that it will show up in most receivers even with the antenna
disconnected and replaced with a 50 ohm terminator.

Is there any possibility that you have the rear-panel pre-amp turned on in
the 7030?

What happens when you add in 10 dB or so of attenuation?

Rick Kunath