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Old May 29th 05, 09:29 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Speaking of Facts, got any? Scan 'em and post 'em. Especially the
about "A" NCOIC of MARS/Okinawa.

It's already been "scared up"...

"Scare" yourself, Silly Gunny.

But do post authentic documentation of your claimed appointment to "A"
NCOIC Okinawa MARS. Post 'em if you've got 'em!


Heresay. Post authentic documentation.

Not "heresay".

Independently verifiable information...which you are too cowardly
to verify.

All you need is authentic documentation. Got any?

What's missing is adequate testosterone levels in the Burke
residence to verify them.

Verifying your preposterous claims is not my job.

There's nothing preposterous about any of them.

Given your demonstrated knowledge of military and MARS communications,
I'd say your claims are preposterous. That's why you need to post
authentic documentation. No more claims.

Tell you what, I'll let you make a copy of your letter of appointment
to "A" NCOIC of Okinawa/MARS, and you can black out your SSN on the
copy with a sharpie. Then scan it in and replace that silly photo of
yourself on QRZ with authentic documentation that has been sanitized of
your SSN. You only need to leave it up for a couple of days until I
have a chance to read it, then if it looks on the up and up, I'll grant
you your claim.

But don't go expecting an apology or anything like that because you did
it to yourself. Remember what you said, "No documentation means you
didn't do it and you're lying about it." What was I to think without
you providing documentation???

This would be directly due to Brian P Burke being a coward.

Got anything better than that?

Nope. That pretty well summed it up. Direct. Concise.

Yet you are the one not posting documentation. You are the one trying
to intimidate. You are the coward, hiding behind a bully. You are
both a coward and a bully, as bullies usually are.

Not my problem.

Lack of AUTHENTIC documentation is your problem. Put Up or Shut Up.

Facts have already been disseminated. You refuse to verify them.

This substantiates my claim that Brian P Burke is a coward.

Hi! You must provide authentic documentation of your claims. Until
then they are just more Robeson nonsense.

Remember your own words, "No documentation means it never happened."

You've been given faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more "documentation" than
you ever gave for any ONE thing ever asked of you.

Documentation? All I've seen are claims.

Keeps you high on the "Bragged About It But Got Nothing To Show
For It" list.

And now you're on the list. Got documentation?

For future reference, stop making claims that you can't prove.

You and Lennie are the only one's who bring up my prior service
record...And I've answered why I won't got "there" any more.

It's clear why you won't go there. Your service record must be

But then you trot yourself out in any kind of uniform that you can in
order to look important.

However you HAVE been given dates, times, places, callsigns for
other radio related evolutions that I have been through.

Evolutions? Hi! Congratulations. You've evovled into a ham, the
pinnacle of Radiodom.

You won't follow up.

The only follow-up I'll do is to read your authentic documentation.
Got any?

Makes you look even more stupid than you already are.

What does? You asked for details. You got them.

You're a liar. I don't trust your "details." I asked for
documentation, then you claim to have posted "details" a year ago.
Wunderful. I don't care about your claimed details. I asked for
documentation. Authentic documentation.

Then you
change the parameters and demand "documentation".

I asked you for documentation, just as you've asked me for
documentation. I have not provided you with documentation, and so you
have labeled me a liar, a coward, and a gay man. Your times up. Post
it now.

Sorry, Brain...You've already been drawn and quartered on this

No Steve, you've only proved that you can't stand up to the kind of
scrutiny that you've placed upon others. You fail miserably when
measured by your own words, your own rules, your own logic. Again.

Now about posting my street number on RRAP. Why did you do that?