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Old May 29th 05, 10:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Arf! Arf! wrote:

Of course you chairborne types would not know this.

And Len, you have not answered my question.

Hello Arf!,

Bow wow.

Brian, Pastor Miccolis ASSUMES this anony-mouse ("Arf! Arf!")
is legitimate...because he (in anonymity) attacks me. That
is all part of the PCTA Extra Double Standard hypocrisy.

The Pastor does give lip-service to all the PC phrases AS IF
he "had been there, done that" when his real purpose is to
level a personal attack on his newsgroup "opponents."

That is followed by:

Len does not answer most questions. He says they're "loaded",
even when it's clear they are not.

"It is clear they are not" is one of the most hypocritical
of the Pastor's statements. Jimmie LOADS questions in order
to elicit a response he can then attack them as "mistaken."

What was your MOS and what did
you do in the service of our country?

Now ya did it - he'll do a couple dozen kilobytes about ADA

Poor Jimmie. NEVER was in the military, NEVER worked any
professional communications, NEVER did much except play with
his "homebuilt" hobby radios. But, Jimmie will idolize and
rhapsodize on the pioneers of radio doing their thing before
Jimmie's much so that he makes them into
"heroes" and near-mythological figures.

It seems that you and bb have a fair share of hot air
with little to substantiate your claims.

Here, I'll sum it up for you:

"No matter what employment, education, experience or
government/military service a person has, if that person opposes Mr.
Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr. Anderson's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic/gender/racial slurs,
excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

All of that to summarize poor Jimmie NOT being able to take
the heat of discussion ON subjects. He MUST go into a
Personal Attack mode to "defend himself." His ego (his most
sacred cow) was severely injured and he seeks retribution.
He is still wearing bandages over his goring of several years

Stand up. Hook up. Stand in the door.


Gotta take some serious cajones to jump out of an aircraft that
is flying perfectly well.

Gotta take some serious "cajones" to ENLIST voluntarily...or
even accept a draft notice (which Jimmie never did).

Jimmie "knows" all about parachute jumping in the military.

Jimmie must think that "cajones" is acceptible but "balls" is
not acceptible when both words are useable in the same
context. He can be very prim, proper, and oh-so-"civil" by
using a Spanish colloquialism in regards to Manly Courage.

I met up with a Ranger at Benning who apparently disagreed. I asked
him how he liked jumping, and he said he had no choice. I asked him
what he meant, and he told me that there was no such thing as a
perfectly good Air Force airplane. So I asked him if there was such a
thing as a perfectly good Army parachute.

Heh heh heh. Cross fingers and hope all the QC people did
their thing properly...on airplanes as well as parachutes.

Double or triple that to do it in order to
engage hostile folks on the ground.

Jimmie must think that anyone against HIS opinions in here are
"hostiles." Anyone acting against HIS opinions is not considered
"patriotic." :-)

Here's a big "thank you" to you and all who have served our country,
Arf. Both in uniform and in other ways.

What other ways?

According to Jimmie's general outlook, those "other ways" must be
to Support and Defend the Constitution of the ARRL and preserve
the morse code test for amateur radio license examinations
(against all oppressors). Very Patriotic. Very Memorable.

"No matter what employment, education, experience or
government/military service a person has, if that person opposes Mr.
Miccolis' views, he/she will be the target of Mr. Miccolis' insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic/gender/racial slurs,
excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

[see how easy that was? :-) ]