mine is pretty close to a true quad. cut for 80m. fed with 450 ladder line
to a tuner. i like it. it gets kinda touchy on the higher bands. but for 80
and 40, it's the best thing i have ever used. lowest corner is about 15 to
20 foot off the ground. highest is about 45.
i agree, put it up and go with it. you'll soon learn which direction it
"hears" the best.
Michael Prevatt " A clean hamshack is a sign
Bartow, Florida of a sick mind...."
Amateur Radio Callsign: KU4YP
Navy/Marine Corps Callsign: NNN0AAL
"Chuck W." wrote in message
FWIW, I'm feeding with about 60 feet of window line to a 4:1 balun and
then to about 80 feet of Coax. My plan is to replace a good bit more
of the coaxial line with the window line when I get around to it.
My assumption is that this set up would be best for multi-band