Amateur Licensing Terms in the 1930's?
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May 31st 05, 09:12 PM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a
In researching some old timers in 1930's Callbooks, I notice that there
was quite a bit of turnover -- people licensed one year and gone the
What was the licensing term (number of years) for ham radio licenses in
the 1930's? Back in the early 70's I remember that there were also
rules about staying active for so many hours per year, and then the
license term was 4 years. Any such conditions on 1930's renewals?
Rick W6NIR
IIRC, for the entry license you had to upgrade within a year or lose the
license. I know when I got my Novice ticket, it was that way, either
upgrade or go off the air.
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