DX99 wrote:
How long is too long for a random longwire? I live out in the country with
lots of trees around the house and all over my property - have one 80' wire
from a tree in the side yard, a 45' PAL end-fed wire from chimney to
mast...and not satisfied with overall reception. Feeding both into a Grove
TUN4, then out to R75 and R71. Longer wire? I have 500 ft or so of good
gauge - how long or short should it be for optimum reception? When I lived
in town an 80' wire was great...seems it would be better out here, but it's
not for some reason. Suggestions??
Once a random-wire gets beyond 1-2 wavelengths long it will start taking
on "longwire" characteristics, namely being directional, low-angle, and
a tad of gain in the direction the wire points. Reception off the sides
and rear may be diminished.
If you can utilize this to your advantage then by all means, go for more