Thread: GF-11 and GP-7
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Old December 16th 03, 12:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Steve, I have digital re-print of the original and complete GF-12/RU-17
book. As I understand, they're all but the same. If you can confirm
that, I can make you a copy of this book. Normally I never let an
original book go, but I traded a NIB RU/GF system to a fellow and the
original book had to go with the system, unfortunately. If you'd like
me to digital copy this, to include one-piece 11x17 foldouts, let me
know. I'm not in the manual business, I just help out when I can.
The folks that copy for me charge $20 for a single copy. de Jeep/K3HVG


Anyone have a manuals for the GF-11 and/or GP-7 that they would be
willing to sell (copies OK)? Thanks! Steve , W5EGP