Boatanchor Transmitter... Good for Novice?
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December 16th 03, 12:57 AM
Posts: n/a
(geojunkie) wrote in message . com...
Anyway, I am now thinking about getting a license. I would prefer to
stay vintage tube based. Even though I was born in 55, I just can't
get excited about digital gear, and enjoy having to do most of the
thinking. My question is whether a vintage tranmitter, such as an HT32
would be appropriate for a novice HAM? I actually have an SX-101a
(from ebay) on the way and I think they would make a great pair.
A lot depends upon what you intend to do with vintage gear.
First, be aware that most vintage gear takes a bit of skill and
understanding to tune up and use. It's not foolproof, particularly
transmitters! So you may want to start with something small and simple
If your interest is primarily SSB, be aware that it takes some real
skill to zero beat "separates" on that mode. That's one reason why
transceivers became so popular 40 years ago (the other was cost) -
once tuned in on receive, the transmitter is automatically tuned
properly for transmit. You may decide that a vintage SSB transceiver,
or "matched pair" transmitter-receiver set, are more to your liking if
you want to operate SSB with vintage gear.
CW (Morse Code) and AM present different requirements. Many vintage
rigs that cannot do SSB, or cannot do it well, will do an excellent
job on CW or AM.
Good luck!
73 de Jim, N2EY
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