Hey Twistie
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June 2nd 05, 06:44 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
(I AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote: Of course if you
like hot swamps and alligators that's fine, too.
You bet, and bugs the size of my hands and
malaria too.
Some of the largest bass come from the swamps. Gators won't bother ya'
and the bugs are only out in the summer. Biggest problem here is also
the largest draw,,,the heat. But check it out in the fall, winter and
spring..there aren't many finer places to live.
Cept' the Buckeye..
You get snow. That disqualifies ya'!
Rock on Twist, one of these years I'm gonna
take you up on your invite to go fishing and
fun down yonder. Maybe we could have a
keyclown meeting at the same time...come
one, come all! I could think of worse places.
Swamp music : )
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