On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 03:03:27 UTC, JJ wrote:
Alan Groom wrote:
I put an "FA" in the subject line,
if you don't like them, DON'T READ THEM ! ! !
I agree Ron - there are TOO MANY dickheads in this group
that fume over a perfectly allowed Ebay post. Jezus Kriste!
It's 2003 - have they NEVER seen one before? Are these
folks so lazy as to not know how to configure their damn
newsreader's KILL FILE? It's SO easy to do! LEARN HOW,
and quit cluttering the NG with your NOT-ALLOWED flames.
The Ebay ads ARE allowed.
Post away - I LOVE Ebay ads! The more the merrier. I'm
only a buyer on Ebay, but that's just fine for me. I've read about
many items here that are on Ebay that I wouldn't have seen
Are you so lazy as to not know how to go to ebay and use the search
engine to find what you want?
Perhaps Alan doesn't always "know" what he wants. For example, the
"Ugly Amp". There's active bidding going on for it. Unless
someone knows that they want an "Ugly Amp", they might not search
for it.
When the discussion of the "Ugly Amp" threaded off the original FA
listing here, this may have alerted interested buyers.
Also, the USENET interface is much faster than eBay's graphical
search engine.
A few things that I'd prefer not to see here are detailed FA and FS
of individual parts or manuals. On eBay, it makes sense to list
"Board E of XXXX" because someone might be looking for only that
Collections of parts or manual, FA or FS, don't bother me. In fact,
I've bought several items of each type from vendors here and on the
Bay, there's a fellow in Canada, deals in Heathkit, a couple tube
de ah6gi/4