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Old June 3rd 05, 03:10 AM
Posts: n/a

"KC8GXW" wrote in message
What makes a person a real ham?
Is it doing more then 5 wpm code?

A "Real Ham" is proficient in all forms and modes of communications. One of
the primary purposes of Amateur Radio is to provide a pool of qualified
radio operators in the event of emergency. Thus being able to use Morse
Code at anything but training wheel speed is a big plus.

Is it being accepted by certain other hams?

No, not entirely. But being able to assimilate with minimum friction is a
big help. In otherwords don't show up with a "I know it all attitude" and
have a bit of respect for those that have been there before you.

Could it be the date they were first licensed, or maybe the class of
license they hold now?

That does have a bearing on things. Don't come on with the above attitute
holding a Technician ticket for 6 months, and expect to be treating with
respect. Respect is earned me boy.

Can a person climb to Extra with today's test and be considered a real

No, not really. Must I elaborate on the obvious?

If one does that wonderous dead and then EARNS the respect of those other
hams. A lot of what I said above is bypassed. Respect, Earned those are
the key words here.

Is yodoc aka K3LT a real ham, or the one to determine who is a real ham?

Don't know the man.

Can somebody who gets into amateur radio today with the "give away
license" ever be considered a real ham?

Sure...see above.

Does getting a vanity license that is an older call such as K8*** or
WD8*** make you a real ham?

A WD8? a joke right? Try W or K by two or three, non vanity of
course. Thats an old timer.

As a matter of fact the FCC once considered the W/K prefix "prefered calls".
And at one time the FCC required you to change your call if you permanetly
moved to another district. And in deference to the W/K....if you had one
they would issue another from the prefered block.

Which is how I got my present call (W4NTI) because I used to have K8BHH.
Course that all went to crap with the alphabet soup system of today.

I didn't take the free upgrade to general, so would this make me a cb'er
or no coder as the toad says?

No, just a no coder. Unless of course you did pass a 5wpm test. Then you
would be a Technician. Hi hi.

I'm not being a troll, I would really like to know the answers to this!

Hope that helps a bit.