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Old December 18th 03, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a


You may have some reasonable success using a cable television balun. These
are available at radio shack or other parts supply houses and are very
cheap. I've played around with several of them. Most exhibit response
roll-off as you get down to 80 meters and below. Depending on what you want
to pick up, this may or may not be a problem. They are designed to match
300 ohms to 75 ohms. This should be close enough for SWL work. You will
have to purchase or make an adaptor to go from PL-259 to F.

Good luck

"Kevin Lunde" wrote in message
I would like to hook up an antenna fed with 50 ohm coax to my Hammarlund
HQ-140-X receiver. Can anyone point me toward a source for a commercial
balun or plans to make one?

73 de Kevin, K0UD

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