Red SB-101???
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December 19th 03, 02:03 AM
Chuck Harris
Posts: n/a
There is a simple reason for defacing an engineering prototype:
The engineers get tired of the PHB's stealing the prototypes in the
middle of the design/development phase and taking them on dog and
pony shows. (And then yelling at the engineers when the project is
running late.)
So, if an engineer wants to continue to have a prototype to work
on, out comes the spray can with the nastiest color he can find.
Red for the "Green" company should do just fine.
Jim Flanagan wrote:
In article JEsCb.4113$J77.3383@fed1read07,
I've recently seen the strangest looking SB-101 or 102 (I don't think it is
an SB-100 because it has the CW filter switch), with a bright red front
panel instead of Heathkit green with what looks like original lettering.
However where it should say Heathkit above the main tuning dial is says
"Viking" and where it should say SB-101 or SB-102 it looked like it said
SB-7 (or something similar that was hard to make out). Also the main
cabinet was very dark instead of being the normal light grey. The speaker
cabinet (with standard Heathkit power supply) had a red grill and dark
cabinet as well.
Any idea what the deal would have been with a red SB-101/102?
It is my understanding that Heath would paint their engineering lab
prototypes red in color. Why? I do not know.. Sounds like that is
what you have.
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