May 27, 2005
Dear Friend:
As many of you are aware, a classified memo was recently disclosed in
Great Britain that I believe has serious ramifications for the
integrity of the United States Government. Dubbed the “Downing Street
Memo,” but actually comprising the minutes of a meeting of Prime
Minister Tony Blair and other top British government officials, the
memo casts serious doubt on many of the contentions of the Bush
Administration in the lead up to the Iraq war. With over 1,600 U.S.
servicemen and servicewomen killed in Iraq, the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of Iraqis, and over $200 billion in taxpayer funds going to
this war effort, we cannot afford to stand by any longer.
Along with 88 of my colleagues, I wrote to the President requesting
answers about this grave matter. Thus far, our search for the truth
has been stonewalled and I need your help. I believe the American
people deserve answers about this matter and should demand directly
that the President tell the truth about the memo. To that end, I am
asking you to sign on to a letter to the President requesting he
answer the questions posed to him by 89 Members of Congress.
I will personally insure that this letter is delivered to the White
You can read the letter here and sign on to it below. You and I know
the White House is just hoping that this matter will fade away, but in
a few short weeks, with our steadfastness, the memo has found its way
into leading newspapers and White House press briefings. With your
help, we can hold this Administration accountable.
Please pass on this important letter to your friends and colleagues,
and ask them to sign as well.
Thank you for your help and support.
John Conyers, Jr.