Thread: dBm and Voltage
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Old June 4th 05, 05:14 AM
Wes Stewart
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 18:07:51 -0400, -ex- wrote:

nanchez wrote:

I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation"
between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal.

I have a RF mixer with a specification that says:

LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm

And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive
load of 5pF at 40MHz.

How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source
to RF mixer ?

If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to
hear about it.


Hernán Sánchez

Maybe this will help explain...

This is pretty good, but errs when it states that 0 dBm is 1 mW in a
50 ohm system. This is the usual case, but it could just as well be
70 ohm, 600 ohm or 6 3/8 ohm.