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Old June 4th 05, 12:58 AM
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Default Shortwave from Melbourne

Radio Australia is not the only shortwave station to ever broadcast out
of Melbourne

its foe of as you say the ...neocons

FOX has a Melbourne Connection

Rupert FOX Murdochs Dad was a Melbourne Journalist
who caught the train to work via Flinders St Station

Sir Keith Murdoch was instrumental in founding the American Australian
Association in 1948 and the Murdoch family has
since continued its active support of the Association in NY

Though a Printman Keith there was also a radio station in the Building

With a Fanfare would come " These are The Herald and Weekly Times
Stations.. 3DB and 3LK" and here are the Football Results !!!!

On February 28, 1987, after a dramatic struggle, Rupert Murdoch
won control of the Herald and Weekly Times,and 3DB
the company his father had built.

It was on the occasion of the 1934 Centenary Celebrations that a relay
of these events from 3DB was heard worldwide each evening for nearly
two weeks, beginning on October 28. The shortwave transmitter that
carried this
program relay was the 3.5 kW unit, VK3ME at Braybrook .. just out of

The Shortwave broadcasts from 3DB Were also heard all over Australia
Maybe on receivers like these

These are early AWA Aussie Radio
sets... rare
