You ARE dishonorable, Lennie.
Over the course of 3 years or so you've repeated these stories
about Soldiers you didn' know who died in combat before yo were even
inducted in such a way as to associate YOUR lame rear-area,
non-combatant radio mechanic duty with them for your own
That was disgusting enough.
Now you've tried to score your self-proclaimed "newsgroup
messaging points" with this purile "parody" of the Tomb of the
I just can't manifest language intense enough to describe how vile
I find THAT without using profanity in a public forum
Lastly, you do so while insulting the participants in an avocation
for which you have utter disgust, have blatantly lied about, and have
no intention what-so-ever of being the least bit helpful for.
"Scumbag" pretty well sums it up.
In short, "we" don't really care what YOU find "abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectable"...because you ARE 'abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectful'.
Steve, K4YZ
Wow! You pretty much put the icing on Lennie's cake, Steve.
Of course it goes without saying that Lennie will HAVE to post a three
chapter response.
You know Len. Never say in one sentence that which he can better say in 18
Bets are on that Len will post a novel in response, though none of us will
read it.