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Old June 4th 05, 04:29 PM
Edward Knobloch
Posts: n/a


The bias should be set to 40 mA with both finals installed.
Set the bias by using push to talk mode in SSB, no audio.
If you have another receiver, listen to the carrier output and adjust
the internal notch controls for minimum carrier
with no audio.

Running the HW-101 at 20 mA bias would reduce the output, and worsen the
distortion on SSB.

You can check the balance of your finals by running one at a time,
and setting the bias for 20 mA with a single tube.
(remove the other tube completely, don't just disconnect
the top cap). If the tubes aren't within 5 mA of each other,
I'd look for around for a better balanced set of finals.
I'd do this check on 80m, because by removing one tube,
you are upsetting the neutralization.

Ed Knobloch

gil wrote:
Just recently got a HW-101, with low power out,I can get a few more
watts by adjusting the bias slightly above the 20ma mark, how safe is
it this?
Since I dont have spare 6146's what should I be looking for that could
be a problem other than the finals?

Thanks in advance...Gil