Hallicrafters SX-101a - Restoration Questions
Is there a good way to touch up the black wrinkle finish on the dial
bezel? Otherwise I need to strip and have it powdercoated....major
surgery for a chip here and there.
The glass encased calibrator crystal had the envelope broken in
shipping. Is this repairable, as its not a vacumm is it? If not, where
could I find a replacement?
Wow, is this thing built! I am getting ready to do the paper caps and
there are lots of them in really tight places. Will check through
resistors when I do this also. Filter can runs cool, might be OK. Any
other items that are known issues?
Oh, main tuning dial broke in shipping also. Most people pack well,
this one didn't. I glued it to get me going, but I really would like
to find one. This is the later model with knobs that look like those
on the SX-115 and HT-32B. Anybody have one, or know where I might
look. Did all the searches already. I am beginning to think you need
to buy a radio just for the knob.