OK, who made the "Mity-Amp"? A 2 watt audio amplifier potted into a block
about 1" x 2" x 3". Worked great, lsted a long time, vanished off the face
of the earth. Wish I had a few left over
"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
In article ,
- - Bill - - exray@coquidotnet wrote:
Phil Witt wrote:
There was a company, forget their name, that used to package simple
modules like you describe. Like audio amps and the like. The package
was just a clear plastic with a piece of paper closing the top. Seems
like the pins were stuck in a square of styrofoam.
You guys are triggering my failing memory. I vaguely remember these
things...something like a black ice-cube with a little wires coming out
of them. Price was something like $1.29-$2.59. I'm struggling to think
of where I saw a magazine article about ho-rigging about three of these
together for something like an AM broadcaster or some such gizmo.
Woulda had to be PE, EI or R-TV-Experimenter in the mid-late 60s since
that was all I had access to.
Everybody and his brother made them. Philbrick, Hewlett-Packard, and
Opamp Labs are some of the ones that are still around today. But
ITI up in Maryland, Solid State Electronics Corporation, Modular Audio
Products. Oh yeah, and Burr-Brown got their start doing this kind of
thing. I think Stephens, the company that later made 2" tape machines,
also started out doing amplifier modules.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."