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Old June 6th 05, 04:58 AM
Charlie Hugg
Posts: n/a
Default FS AMCOMM HB-125 QRP HF Amplifier

FS a brand new AMCOMM Penetrator Amateur Linear HF QRP Amplifier Model
HB-125. I bought it from the original owner who never took it out of the
box. I fired it up for the first time, and it works very well. It is a true
Amateur QRP HF amplifier that covers 40 through 10 meters and has band
switches and low pass filtering for each band. It is type F series certified
by the FCC. It is strictly a QRP amplifier in that 5 watts AM or CW or 12
watts SSB is all the input that it is designed to handle. Output is up to
180 watts, depending on band. This is a very well constructed and designed
amplifier. AMCOMM is still in business, but they do not make the amplifier
any longer. It comes with the original instructions, schematic, warranty
card and the original box and packing. I don't believe there is a finer QRP
amplifier on the market today. This one is mint. Price is $275 shipped in
lower 48. Thanks, Charlie Hugg, K5MBX