Thread: Manuals desired
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Old June 7th 05, 04:12 AM
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Default Manuals desired


Anyone have the service/owners manuals for either:

Motorola Deviation - Frequency Counter - Model Number #SLN6418A 75. The
serial number is below 200

The 75 - "may" have been the "watts", as that box was empty and the 75
appearing in the Model Number, "was" right above it. There is a space
between the A and the 75 in the model number. I don't know, just
guessing..... I can't imagine this thing pulling 75 watts, but I have seen
strange things before. This is the first time I've seen one of these "units"
so I am unfamiliar with it except for it's intended usage.

The second item is a - Measurements - Standard Signal Generator 800. That is
the only info I can find on it. It has no plug with it. So, I have to round
up a cord to work with it. This is one of those older 3 prong jobs with the
"round" pins instead of the blades. Would like to get this fixed if I can.

Any help is appreciated.

