Gene Fuller wrote:
You completely ducked the question. How did those waves get there in the
first place? Hint: there are no laws for conservation of waves or
continuity of waves.
I answered the question in another posting. The waves got there
during the power-on transient state. Conservation of energy is
assumed. Hope you don't disagree with that principle.
If we make Roy's lossless 50 ohm feedline one second long (an
integer number of wavelengths), during steady-state, the source
will have supplied 68 joules of energy that has not reached the
load. That will continue throughout steady state. The 68 joules
of energy will be dissipated by the system during the power-off
transient state.
What you guys are trying to do is hide 68 joules of energy that
cannot be destroyed. Where can you hide it in a transmission line
to prove that it is not there in the forward and reflected waves?
What is your agenda in trying to deny/hide/disguise/ignore that
68 joules of energy?
In the one second example, the forward and reflected waves require
68 joules of energy for their existence in the feedline. The source
has supplied 68 joules of energy that has not yet reached the load
so it must necessarily still be in the feedline. Wonder where
the energy in the forward and reflected waves came from? Shirley,
you jest!
Incidentally, QEX wants to publish my article.
73, Cecil
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