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Old June 8th 05, 04:15 AM
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On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 20:23:07 -0400, Cmd Buzz Corey

Blue Cornchips wrote:

Vijay Mukhi, a call centre analyst, said websites have sprung up in the
US giving phone numbers of companies which use call centres in India,
and listing Hindi swear words to be used to abuse staff. 'When you move
jobs away from a country, there's going to be a lot of pent-up
frustration which gets let out on Indian workers,' he said.

There might not be so much frustration if they could understand enough
English to understand your problem. I delt with a help desk in India
over a credit card issue...never could get it across what my problem was
no matter how many ways I attempted to expalin it, when I asked to speak
to a manager, she hung up.
Maybe these companies will finally get the message that customers are
getting tired of dealing with people who can't understand enough English
to be of any help and bring the support centers back to the U.S. Don't
hold your breath.

The best I ever heard was the guy in the US who couldn't tell
from the accesn whom he was dealing with. The clue came when the help
desk guy told him the problem was because he didn't have sufficient
rupees in his account.

Personally I've had good and bad Indians and good and bad

If I can't understand either kind, I ask for someone who can
speak and troubleshoot in ubderstandable English.