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Old June 8th 05, 10:34 PM
Posts: n/a

"Mark S. Holden" wrote:

I think being careful is a good idea, but you're remarkably

Last year one of my antennas took a direct hit. Everything in front of
polyphaser was destroyed. Everything in back of it was fine. I'm sure
strike could have done more damage - but it's not hopeless.

In my case, a strike would need to follow over 300 feet of underground
coax to get to the house.

Reading your house insurance policy contract is a good idea, in case
there is
something in there. There are differences, but even though they're
insured with different companies in different states, the insurance
contracts I've read for homes in CT, FL and NJ look to be based on the
same boiler plate form.

Insurance companies aren't likely to deny a claim if you can show you
made even a minimal good faith effort to have a safe system.

The courts would rule against them unless they could point to a
provision in your policy allowing them to deny coverage. The company
sets the terms of the contract, so anything in doubt will be decided in
your favor.

On the other hand, if an insurance company inspected your house and saw
an antenna they might decide they don't want to insure you - but they'd
need to give you time to correct the problem - and you'd have some time
to try reasoning with them if you really have made (or are willing to
make) an effort to make sure the system is safe.

But frankly, I doubt antennas are on their minds. A friend with a
antenna farm got a letter threatening to drop him if he didn't put a
railing on his back steps. Hard to imagine they could see the steps
noticing the antennas.

Your concern someone could be tossed in jail for an unintentional
building code violation is incredible.
Here in central KY a good frined installed a CNB and din't ground the
mast/antenna. He got luck and a strike set his den on fire. About $5K.
Whne the adjuster came, he saw the remains of the antenna and
looded for a groundrod. Finding none, he asked my frined who replied
witht he truth. The claims was rejected, his policy canceled and the
electricla inspector came around that evening and gave him a citation.
He spent the next week talking to lawyers, and when it came out that
he had't grounded the mast per regs, they told him he was screwed.
So he got to pay for the repair, and go to court where he was fined
$500 being a first time offender.

In a isimalr case 6 or 7 years ago, a guy put a TV antenna on his
With no ground wire. During a T-storm he got lucky. Set the house on
fire and inspite of the heavy rain it was a complete loss. His wife
and the DA was going to press charges. The gent died the day before
the Grand Jury. I have a cousin who is a lawyer, I know, I hang my had
shame as I admit this in public, and I asked her about it at the time.

She was of the opinon that not only would he be indicted, but that he
would be convicted. This was before he got extra lucky and died.

Maybe the planing and zoning nannies are sane in your neck of the
woods, but around here they are petty nazis. If they catch you doing
work without a permit, you're screwed. If they find you installed your
own electric water heater, you get a nasty fine, if it is a gas water
heater, you are
really F$#%^. People have gone to jail. If it is your rental property,
you are in real trouble. You can avoid this by having a licensed
electrician or plumber "aprove" your work. They even go around to al
the home centers and get records of everyone who buys a water heaters.
They find a lot of Mr. Smiths and Jones who paid with cash. There was a
reading of a bill that required stores to gather legal IDs but it died
in commite. I am lucky because I have
a plumber and an electrician for friends and can get them to sign off
on my
work. But around here the government is so determined to protect us
won't let a little thing like reason or common sense to intrude on
their grand
plans. I don't worry too much about the new world order because it is
in central KY. When I retire we are going to move out of this over
locale....Hell they even banned smokining restruaunts. And I don't even
smoke and didn't frequent places that catered to smokers.

Personal freedom and liberty?

Not aroundhere.

And I posed a worst case view. I have had two major hits that destroyed
myantennas and did no damage to my radio gear. I am glad I don't live
FL where the lightening strikes must be killer. I mean if MW stations
destroyed with the frequency stated in the lightening protection
it must be nasty down there. I aksed the engineerng staff of several
local MW outlets and none of them have had damage in over 20 years.
And one TV station was damaged by multiple strikes on the power/telco
systems. They lost a lot of PCs telecom gear etc, but their production
and transmission system came through unscathed. Had to use cell
phones for a couple of days. But like I said, my post assumed a worst
case conditino, one where the bolts are so large that protection is
doomed to fail. In such a case, the very least a ham/CBer/SWL should
do is to meet the local codes. Looking at the cable and DBS isntalls I
have seen all over the state, that level isn't all that hard or
Run coax into "static" block, run (too thin) ground wire to (sub
standard)ground rod.
