Thread: Ft-101
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Old December 29th 03, 09:08 PM
Posts: n/a

That's probably true, however the 11 meter xtal went in the 11 meter slot
and you didn't have to remove the 10A unless you wanted to freeband above
27.500. I've seen these xtals on eBay for as little as $5, so you may want
to check there.

BTW Bill, are you on the air at all now?


SAM (Scott M)

"- - Bill - -" exray@coquidotnet wrote in message
SAM wrote:
34.520 MHz, 20 pF load, 45 ohms series resistance

I don't know where all the 10m xtals went after the FT-101 and Tempo One
became "CB" radios but I suspect that your 'local' CB shop may still
have an unemptied trash kit that may provide the missing xtals.
A six-pack or carpet square should be a fair trade.
:-) Don't ask how I know this. :-0)


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