"DesignGuy" wrote:
I've considered feeding the tape out of a receiver to an outboard tube
amp, a single tube 6V6 or some sort. Have you ever tried this?
Combining digital electronics with tube audio would be great. I own a
of Hammerlunds and love that sound.
I used a stereo class A headphone amplifier buitl around MOS-FETs,
with a JFET input. I don't have the link here, but I will post it when
I get
I'm using a 30+ year old set of Senheiser HD424 "open air" stereo
earphones. They Hi-z, 2K units and I have found them to be very
easy to where for hours on end. I have a set of Koss Pro4A, God
I am telling my age here, that I use when listening in noisy locatons,
they have always given me a head ach and sweaty ears if I where them
longer then 30 minutes or so.
I built a stereo headphone amp using 2 12AU7's to compare the
sound quality of the MOS-FET to holllow state. No difference that
I could hear.
My wife finds trying to reduce distortion on shortwave as "silly".
From her viewpoint "if you want clarity you wouldn't be trying to
listen to 20W transmitters on the far side of the world".