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Old June 10th 05, 05:53 AM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

) writes:
Digging around in my abandoned projects box, I found a
LM373N in with the parts for my long abandoned out borad
detector strip. I vaguely remember it was a "complete
detector" IC, but can;t find the data sheet.

I have checked the net and my crosrefference books, but
can't find it. Anyone know what it is?


It was made by National, and there were two independent sections (though
the intent was to use them together.

The first section was an amplifier stage, with a gain control element.
The second section had some more gain, and then a double balanced mixer,
followed by an agc detector.

You'd feed the signal into the gain stage, then out through a filter of
some sort and into the second section where the signal would be detected.
Feed a BFO into the mixer, and you could receive SSB and CW. Set things
right, and that mixer would be used as an FM detector. Unbalanced the mixer,
and it's just a gain stage, and the AGC detector is used for AM reception.
Or feed the limited IF signal into the mixer, and it's a "quasi synchronous
detector" for AM.

A neat thing from the early seventies when ICs were still relatively new,
but I gather it had its limitations.
