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Old June 10th 05, 09:51 PM
Jim Kelley
Posts: n/a

Cecil Moore wrote:

Jim Kelley wrote:

It was a tongue-in-cheek reply, Roy. These problems always seem to
end up with a circulator in them at some point - clearly illustrating
what happens under entirely different circumstances. :-)

The circulator, lossless feedlines of unreasonable length,
Time Domain Reflectometers, TV ghosting, etc. are all tools
for illustration purposes. However, a Z0-matched system is
an ordinary configuration in ham radio and is easy to analyze
since no reflected energy is allowed to reach the source. The
conservation of energy and momentum rules dictate where the
energy must go in such a case. We can debate why the reflected
energy is 100% re-reflected but there is no question that it
*is* 100% re-reflected because none reaches the source and
there are only two directions in a transmission line.

I wish we were able to discuss this without it becoming so
confrontational. As I've said to you many times, you've got 98% of this
thing nailed to a tee. But that 2% is a major error from a physical
standpoint. Energy is not flowing in the way you describe it. Power
doesn't flow at all, but that's a different discussion. When the fields
cancel, as in the anti-reflective/impedance matching scenario, energy is
not conveyed in the reflected direction. There is no conservation of
energy problem until you claim that that energy from cancelled waves IS
moving in the reflected direction. Once you make that claim, you're
forced to imagine a way for it to reverse its course, and that's where
the problem lies. We've been over this a hundred times and you just
refuse to accept it. It violates physics. It violates Maxwells
equations. It's wrong, and I hate arguing with you about it, but as a
fellow enthusiast I advise you not to print that part of your article in
QEX. It's an absurdity in the midst of brilliance, not unlike myself. ;-)

73, Jim AC6XG