"Dave" wrote
the rules of contests are up to the individual sponsors. contact the specific
organization that runs the contests if you want to try to convince them to
change their rules. general discussions in open groups do little besides
generating lots of messages that aren't getting to the targets that can make
the changes.
I don't think we expect that this discussion will be acted on by the radiosport
sponsors, but can't we have the discussion, just for discussion sake? (You
don't need to participate if you'd prefer not to.)
and then of course most contests have low power and
qrp catagories where there is much less of the so2r type
of operation.
Actually the LP layer (100-150W) is where the greatest number of stations
specifically engineered for SO2R seems to be. Surprising on the surface, but
makes a lot of sense when you consider the issue of self-induced noise.
73, de Hans, K0HB