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Old January 4th 04, 12:56 AM
- - Bill - -
Posts: n/a

Yzordderex wrote:
I am in middle of making Digi-Key order and was hunting for a suitable
replacment for those notorious sprague black beauties. I've searched
Google, but a replacement hasn't been mentioned in the posts I've been

I would prefer a tubular axial leaded part of similar dimensions, but
of course will take what I can get. I suppose any film cap nowadays
would work ok.

any help would be appreciated.


Digikey is not real good for higher voltage axial caps. May I suggest
Any style will work just sure to match the voltage or go
higher. I stick with 630 volt ones just to simplify my 'inventory'.
As for size, you'll not find anything near as BIG as the BBs although
the Sprague-Vishay Orange Drops ( are quite portly.

-Bill M