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Old June 12th 05, 04:17 PM
Korbin Dallas
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 15:00:18 -0500, Cecil Moore wrote:

Ed wrote:

I didn't look at it but just noticed 'nvis' in the title.
Of course, a dipole at 7 feet will have near-vertical gain
over a G5RV at 50 feet. Near-vertical gain is NOT what the
majority of hams desire. Near-vertical gain is the antithesis
of DX.

I differ on that opinion. My 40M/80M operational preferences are
definitely for close-in communications, such as getting on the Noon-Time
net, various in-state 75M nets, and other "local" activities". The lower
noise factor of the NVIS antenna helps, too. Of course, its best to have
two antennas, one such as NVIS and another well placed dipole, for optimum

What are you disagreeing with? How much DX do you work with
your NVIS antenna? Do you really think the majority of hams
are only interested in local communications on HF?

Yes the majority of hams are indeed interested in Local HF communications
on 80 & 40. Something that will reliably commutate out to 300-400

When they think of DX they think 20 - 10 meters.

Those that are interested in DX on 80 meters are a very small minority.

Korbin Dallas
The name was changed to protect the guilty.