Hi Al;
did you check the Peter Dahl web site for their specs to zero in on the
xfmr? Just a thought to save you lunch money, Hi.
Good luck,
BTW-Finally landed a Titan Gold model amp 2 yrs ago!
AL GOSS wrote:
I continue to clean house of 40 years 'stuff':
Need part # of HV xfmr and wire colors with I.D.'s of HV xfmr.
Was replaced by P. Dahl out-board a few years ago for a local contester.
Want to 'confirm' is indeed what I have before I post it for sale....
My note attached to it says 800v rms...is possible for 8877 powered amp?
Any 77 owners out there can assist me?
Perhaps send a schematic via postal, happy to buy cheap lunch.