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Old January 6th 04, 09:11 PM
Ghost Writer
Posts: n/a

Well, that is cool with me. I did miss part of that you mentioned. But I DID
see the truce part of it. You are entitled to your opinion. We both
expressed them as did others, I believe - and it didn't even get into a
shouting match - which is nice. I'm sure we can all find better things to
post about that would benefit the majority. By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Let's start it off a bit better. I hold no ill will towards anyone. G.W.

"Tracy Fort" wrote in message
My retort was an implication that Bill was doing something to gain
something. In other words "What's in it for Bill"? I've never been in
an argument with Bill other than a little spat here and there. My
argument was with someone else and a truce was called to keep it from
going on forever. If you go back to you will see that Bill
did not mean to make this post to this group. That, I thought was
funny. If I'm ever in the same predicament as Bill's homeless buddy, I
sure hope he is not the guy to help me out. I don't think I want to
spend the rest of my life trying to pay him back!


On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:33:02 -0500, "Ghost Writer"

I've seen some of what you're referring to. I don't always agree with

either. He and I even locked horns way back when when I used a different
name. But the example Tracy used in his retort, I think could have been

out. Doing a "good" deed to help a homeless person is not something to be
mocked. He may be in the same predicament some day and be thankful for
someone's like actions. As for other razzing, I see many people razzing
Bill. I guess what really caught me off guard was that Bill and Tracy

going at it in Rec Radio Antiques and I "thought" they had called a

Then I seen this. And it DID appear that Tracy had misread the post Bill
made, whether "anyone" agrees with it or not and posted in that manner. I
don't know Bill NOR Tracy. I was just posting what seemed apparent.
Actually, this whole damned thread - even my own replies don't belong

Hopefully, we can get back to regular scheduled programming. I'm sure we

have better posts to make that will be of benefit to all. G.W.

"Tom Morrow" wrote in message
.. .
Not really when he often comes across with a meddling attitude.
Can you wonder that some of the guys like to razz him back once in a