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Old January 7th 04, 09:46 AM
Steven Dinius
Posts: n/a

2 receivers, 2 paper manuals and one CD manual.

"Mark Oppat" wrote in message
keep in mind about 70% of all ebay sellers are WOMEN! They dont have a

about some things, notably radios, and , are more likely to just say
whatever they feel.... based in fact or not. To them, or any guy who is

seriously into radio, that is a RARE radio! And, in fact, you could go to
about 2000 garage sales and not find one...which is their basis for

so, cut these folks some slack. We are into this stuff DEEP, so to us its
common. Well, not exactly common, anymore, anyway. I go to about 8 swaps

year, most antique radio , some ham, and I have not seen one in the last
year or so for, its not as common as you think. but, like I

consider the sellers are not as "into" this as we are, and yeah, they are
hoping to get the best $ they can, who isnt? Not you? I bet you always

to make your items sound good when (or if) you ever sell. We all do, its
But, I dont lie... and, saying its "rare" is technically a lie, but like

said, in their world it is... and, in ours, its becoming true

if you look at all the other SX-28's on eBay... and, how many are there?

Mark Oppat

"Brian Hill" brianehill@charterDOTnet wrote in message
Why would someone that obviously knows about radios and collects them

a bull**** statement like this? Everybody knows the SX-28 was one of the
most mass produced receivers of that era and are still plentiful. It

me off when people that claim to be collector or lover of the radio

exaggerate or lie to make an extra buck on a radio. Yes I'm speaking of

certain place people auction radios. People like this won't get my buck.
73 and good DXing
R-5000, SP-600 JX-6, SX-28
100' longwire, Evesdropper Dipole

Brian's Radio Universe