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Old January 7th 04, 04:51 PM
Posts: n/a

"Capoot" wrote in message ...
"Henry Kolesnik" wrote in message
I think it was after last summer that I saw a published magazine article
where someone had come with a new way, at least for me, to align a radio

that the dial would be calibrated throughout its range. IIRC he set the
trimmer, padder and other adjustments just once or maybe twice. In the

I have set and reset all adjustments several times, each time cutting the
error in half until I'm satisfied or worn out.. If anyone recalls the
article I sure would appreciate knowing. It seems like it may have been
Monitoring Times or Popular Communications, neither of which I subscribe

but it could have been elsewhere, because my memeory isn't as good as it

because I was taking Lipitor, and have now quit.
hank wd5jfr

I came across this article on superhet alignment today:

Once you get it as close as you can, you can bend the plates of the
air variable. This will align it in little band segments. Remember,
the slug will align the low end of the band, then you can use the
trimmer to touch up the high end, without much effect on the low end.
Also, on older equipment, Ive found that sometimes you cant get enough
induction out of the slug/coil. I think the slugs lose density over
time, so you may end up rewinding the coil with a few more turns of