"Brian Hill" wrote in message
"Phil Nelson" wrote in message
Oh, don't be such a cynic.
It's often rooted in timidity, embarrassment,
Do not be quick to attribute to malice,
that which is more easily explained by ignorance.
Well said. I get a lot of email from people who just inherited or found
something. They are not radio people. They basically don't have a clue
and they're not trying to get rich. If I were willing to pay shipping for
this stuff (which is often crap IMHO), I could fill a warehouse to the
ceiling. Many of them are also not Internet-savvy, so you could earn some
bonus karma points by giving them a break. In the last two or three
years, I have gotten hundreds of "do you want to buy this" emails, and of
those bought one, yes count it, one radio, a Midwest console that was
within easy driving distance. For the rest, I advised the owners to
contact the nearest radio collector club or make a nice donation to a
local charity.
Lighten up :-)
Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios
Lighten up? Not Internet-savvy? He sure found his way here and the guys
question sure seems like a funny thing to ask with the best radio price
estimator of all time right at his fingertips "EBAY" It was easier to find
Ebay than it was to find this place and he knows enough about radios to
equate boatanchor with radio.
73 and good DX. B.H.
Brian's Radio Universe
I don't necessarily agree. Yes, many know of and use E-Bay to buy and sell.
Maybe not all - think to use E-Bay as a "price comparison" given some prices
ARE a bit outrageous. Let's face it, some folks put stuff up for bid at a
starting price for a hell of a lot more than it is worth. That can NOT
honestly be construed as a "guide". If the "price" can't be used as a guide,
neither can the condition of some of the junk listed. His best bet would be
to accept offers, or seek the help of local hams for selling his father's
To give another example... "I" know of google, yet I have only used it maybe
3 times. Why? Because I really have no use for it. I can get a quicker reply
often by asking those in the know - meaning "someone" on here, usually has
an answer to a problem or question. So, would I or DO I recommend google to
others? NO.
Everyone has their own reasons for doing or not doing things a certain way.
Maybe this guy isn't "that" internet savvy - to trust or even use E-Bay. I'm
not a computer whiz either. A lot of what I know, I learned by doing, not
asking. Some things I learned pretty quick, others took me a bit of time.
Not everyone is a computer whiz. Finding the news groups was not exactly
rocket science for me, and most likely wasn't for him or others - either.
Personally, if it were me facing the scrutiny just for that basic listing,
I'd say *&^k it and sell it at the first flea market I could get to.
Nothing is worth that bull ****. Who knows, he may get ****ed and just toss
the stuff and someone could lose out on some otherwise top notch gear. These
groups aren't exactly user friendly when it comes to helping "all".
Just my 2 cents.