Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 15th 05, 07:19 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

well my gawd, we already have one then--we sure as hell don't need
another! ROFLOL

.... they are rarer then hens teeth...


"Phil Kane" wrote in message
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 17:21:00 -0700, John Smith wrote:

... all the women I have ever tried to interest in radio... all have
declined doing anything towards getting a license... once they even
a key and a code practice oscillator they look at me as if I am crazy
and ask, "You are kidding, right?"

Tell that to our friend Claire who is the NCS of the Beaver State
(CW) Traffic Net - high-speed CW. And she's no dummy - retired PhD
in a specialized field of the biological sciences.

So much for generalizations.

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane