Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 16th 05, 12:22 AM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"John Smith" wrote in message

Did I miss something here, if you know morse it gives you the ability to
speak and read french?

No but there is a standardized set of Q signals and other widely adopted
abbreviations that permit one to carry on a very basic albeit limited
conversation even though neither of you knows the other one's language.

As in many activities, there is a "standardized vocabulary" if you will.
For example, music generally uses Italian terms (although the French &
Germans tend to resist) that. I do not speak Italian but if the conductor
says "rubato" or "accelerando", I know what he wants us to do. He might not
speak a word of English and I might not speak a word of his native language
but we can communicate in a limited fashion with the standardized music
vocabulary. Similarly, ballet terminology is in French. Because of that,
the student and teacher can communicate regarding ballet movements even if
neither speaks French and neither speaks the others language.

Hell, I know morse and still can't speak to the french, unless they morse
in english!!! Same with the Germans, Dutch, Spanish, etc....

See above.



Dee D. Flint, N8UZE