Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 16th 05, 01:29 AM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"John Smith" wrote in message

That is another interesting statistic--most women in radio are the wives
of hams--there is certainly some interesting reasons behind that, I am
sure... I think it directly relates to "Good-Old Boy's Club" but them
accepting the wife, daughter, relative of a member of the club...


Most hams (male or female) got into ham radio because they were the
relatives and/or friends of hams. New hams get into the hobby by contact
with existing hams for the most part. My brother became a ham because I was

I've not seen any "Good-Old Boy's Club" attitude at all. When I joined the
local club after moving to this area, I was single and none of the members
had ever met or talked to my ex. They accepted me immediately as a fellow

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE