Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 16th 05, 01:48 AM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message


The idea of "recruiting" people into the ARS is likely never going to
work - at least as far as snagging people that are thinking about a hobby,
but don't know what to pick up.

If you wanna be a Ham - you *know* it.

I must disagree to some extent with this, Mike. There are people who would
love being hams if only they knew about it and knew what it was like. I
never knew I wanted to be a ham until after I became one. My ex dragged me
to a ham class as something we could do together and I have to admit that it
did not sound interesting at the time. I found that it was something I
liked and now I would fight tooth and nail to keep my license.

If we are going to "recruit," we need to find those who would like it but
haven't had the opportunity to know about it or to know enough about it.


A local oldster was inquiring as to when his license expired, because he
couldn't find his F.C.C. Wallpaper. We help him figure it out. We need to
keep the geezers on the air. I love talking to them. I hope someone is
looking out for me when I'm 91!

I hope so too. I had the great pleasure and honor of speaking with W5BQU
(Big, Quick, and Ugly) a year or two before he passed away. He was over 100
at the time and still in pretty good control of his faculties and still with
a zest for life, enjoying those things he still could do.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE