Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 16th 05, 01:59 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


My sons have used my equipment--they have no interest--there are just
too few here of interest to them--they ride the internet...

.... me, I have a vested interest, I try to get as many kids into the
hobby as I can--I am in a good position and have access to many of their
minds--no women are interested in learning code... not a one has stuck
through to become a ham, I won't gauge the whole world on these
statistics--it is just fact--and code by far is the worst turn off...

.... I am NOT very successful at getting many young men in the
math/engineering/technical fields interested even--now, I will stand
slurs on my ability to motivate them, perhaps I am not well suited, I
really don't see this in my other works with them, but I will accept the
possibility... however, then when you look at the numbers entering
amateur radio you realize I must not be the only one with such flaws...

.... and, if you get past all that--look at the mind set of the
individuals I argue with here--you think there is any chance in hell
young people are going to tolerate such limited views and individuals
"religious devotion" to cw? I don't think, I have asked them, the
answer is, "NO!"

Warmest regards,

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message

That is another interesting statistic--most women in radio are the
wives of hams--there is certainly some interesting reasons behind
that, I am sure... I think it directly relates to "Good-Old Boy's
Club" but them accepting the wife, daughter, relative of a member of
the club...


Most hams (male or female) got into ham radio because they were the
relatives and/or friends of hams. New hams get into the hobby by
contact with existing hams for the most part. My brother became a ham
because I was one.

I've not seen any "Good-Old Boy's Club" attitude at all. When I
joined the local club after moving to this area, I was single and none
of the members had ever met or talked to my ex. They accepted me
immediately as a fellow ham.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE