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Old January 8th 04, 09:05 PM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

"Chas" ) writes:
Problem is, I don't have an SX-101MK3 anymore, so there's nothing to
hook this up to, not to mention the fact that the tubes are missing, so I
suspect it has a problem.
Hallicrafters ads state that 6 & 2 meter converters (not transverters,
so the HA-2 isn't it) are available & the dial is calibrated for these
bands. Other than that, I can't as yet find any info.

Chuck WG2A

Did the receiver have much of a lifespan? I just checked my QSTs and
CQs from around that time (admittedly the collection is incomplete), and
I found no ads for it. A lot of trasmitter ads, the other receivers
got full ads, but about the only thing I found was in the April 1959
issue of CQ, where it's shown as part of a station, with no details.
I did find an ad for the SX100, but I have no idea how close it was
in design to the SX101, and certainly no word on converters.

From a fairly small image of the SX101, it looks like there are only
six bands? At least I can only count six levels on the sliderule dial.
That sure does not suggest a special band for the converters.

Of note, the ads for the HA6 and HA2 mention a 10 meter IF, so perhaps
that is a good guess for the Hallicrafter converter, if it is indeed
made by Hallicrafters.

It should be easy to check. Look at the crystal frequency. A 43.333MHz
crystal was common for a 2meter converter that converted to 14MHz.
I'm less certain of what the common frequency for 28MHz IFs were,
but maybe 58MHz or 38.666MHz. A 116MHz mixer injection was pretty
much standard for a 10meter IF, so the crystal would usually be half
or a third of that frequency.

Michael VE2BVW

"Dbowey" wrote in message
wg2a posted:
A few years back, a friend gave me something he identified as the 2
meter converter for an SX-101 MK3. At that time I owned an SX-101, but

it two years ago, so guess what surfaced recently. I can't find ANY
documentation about this (except that it existed), not even a model

Anybody have some info or even a pic? Thanks!

Chuck WG2A

I have only a wild guess. Any 2M converter I ever diddled with, converted

10M. You might try testing it to 28 - 30 MHz and see what happens. My

is that it might tune 145 - 147 MHz.
