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Old June 17th 05, 03:35 AM
Posts: n/a

I've been tuned to 50.194 for quite a few hours now and had a few
'calling cq' sessions. The bands are very stingy this week.

Two years ago we did this and had a 90 minute pileup, but of course the
bands were better then. It was not for lack of trying gentlemen, but
other than a few times where I could barely discern a voice in the
static, it was a no go.

We'll try it again some other trip.

Take care & '73

lg wrote:

I am operating a portable station (100W, 6m Vertical) from a cottage on
Christian Island, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada [EN94] tonight
(Thursday, June 16, 2005) from approx 20:00Z until I either give up in
frustration or collapse from exhaustion.

I will be calling and listening on 50.194USB.

I'll monitor this frequency for a few hours, and attempt to contact any
stations calling. The 6m antenna is only a vertical hanging from a very
high limb in a tree guys, so forgive me if my signals are less than
