Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 17th 05, 02:55 AM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"John Smith" wrote in message

If you download mirc, study it and how to use it, hook to the dalnet
server and pick a room like #australia - #40+friends #30-60friends -
#California - #Sweden - etc - etc -etc...

... you will get lost for hours chatting, you can instantly send and
receive pictures and documents with other room members, the chat happens
in real time--you can go voice-to-net with another free application and
chat to the other countries for free in speech... after you have seen and
experienced all this--tell me amateur radio doesn't have to "GET REAL!" I
doubt if these old buggers here could even get Mirc installed on their
machines, learn to use it and find out what they are missing--these old
boy are just too plum SLOW!!!

download mirc for free here ==

Warmest regards,

Not interested in internet chat. Tried it and it's dull. Too much
infrastructure and not enough independence to make it a fun hobby.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE