Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 17th 05, 03:01 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Well, at least you prove my point, the world moves on--some stay... but
as it has always been-it will wait for no man or woman... new mindsets
will now have to move us up-to-date, which has been my argument all
along... it will be a pleasure to see this happen in my lifetime...


"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message

If you download mirc, study it and how to use it, hook to the dalnet
server and pick a room like #australia - #40+friends #30-60friends -
#California - #Sweden - etc - etc -etc...

... you will get lost for hours chatting, you can instantly send and
receive pictures and documents with other room members, the chat
happens in real time--you can go voice-to-net with another free
application and chat to the other countries for free in speech...
after you have seen and experienced all this--tell me amateur radio
doesn't have to "GET REAL!" I doubt if these old buggers here could
even get Mirc installed on their machines, learn to use it and find
out what they are missing--these old boy are just too plum SLOW!!!

download mirc for free here ==

Warmest regards,

Not interested in internet chat. Tried it and it's dull. Too much
infrastructure and not enough independence to make it a fun hobby.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE