Adding 6 meters to 20
I had a 20 meter dipole about 65 feet over the house. The antenna had
a flat swr on 14.336 where I often hang out. On the low end, it was
too high to use below 14.020 so I only lost use of a portion of the
extra portion without a tuner. (flat defined as according to the 706
MKII internal meter.)
This evening I cut a pair of wires 4.5 feet long each. I added them
to the 20 meter connection center connection at the coax and let them
hang about 8 inches below the 20 meter wire. I also changed coax from
cable-tv coax to RG-8 foam. I rearanged the antenna just a little
with also allowed for an additional 10 feet of height. I now have a
20/6 meter dipole at about 75 feet high with the legs pointed almost
exactly east and west.. 20 meters is now flat at 14.030 and the top
edge of the band is only 1.3:1. The 6 meter dipole turned out to be
flat on 50.1.
So far, I am quite happy with the antenna. I am having a 6 meter QSO
as I write this. (The other party loves to talk and hasn't unkeyed
for at least 5 full minutes.)
Based on our current conversation, It appears that my next antenna
will be a loop.
Comments are welcome,
Thank you,
73 for now