Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 17th 05, 03:21 PM
Michael Coslo
Posts: n/a


Phil Kane wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 21:11:41 GMT, robert casey wrote:

Actually, I wrote the following paragraph:

Perhaps what bothers some people the most about the code test
is that it isn't something most people already know. And it
isn't something that can be learned by reading a book, watching
a video, etc. It's a skill, not "book learning".

That makes it a real PITA to people who are good at book
learnin' and not so hot at motor skills.

Those are the same people who get As in Chemistry but Ds in Chem


Then we have the Tau Beta Pi MEs drilling holes . .

My frat was I Phelta Thi....

I belonged to Signa Phi Nothing......

- Mike KB3EIA -