Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 17th 05, 07:19 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Exactly... nothing is a "whole world onto itself."

There are just different points of views and interests/goals. How one
discusses the subjects eventually draws a picture of the authors
minds--some have only self-serving interests and goals in mind and are
not interested in anything else--some are willing to look at the bigger
picture, plan for the future and try to encompass everyone in the future
plans and goals...

Hey, it is a free country...


"Michael Coslo" wrote in message
John Smith wrote:


Yanno, back in the horse and buggy days--when the horse was
king--same thing--some waited with their horses for other to come to
their senses and get rid of their autos... it never happened...

I think this is very much the same where those so religiously and
historically tied to the past and what has always been will remain
blind to the fact that change is inevitable...

I know the question is not "if it will happen?" but rather, "how long
is this going to take?"

I feel like I am back at Kitty Hawk saying, "Now it is only a matter
of time, men WILL FLY THE EARTH AS EAGLES!" grin

Remember though, that there is no rule that disallows enjoyment of
heritage technology *and* more recent technology. (I hesitate to call
things like the internet, and digital modes as cutting edge - they are

I spend a lot of my hobby time doing psk31, using antenna design
programs, and I am starting to fool around with tube equipment as a
lark too. It's all good, man! 8^)

- Mike KB3EIA -