Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 17th 05, 09:32 PM
robert casey
Posts: n/a

That makes it a real PITA to people who are good at book
learnin' and not so hot at motor skills.

Those are the same people who get As in Chemistry but Ds in Chem

Most colleges make Chem class 3 credits but Chem Lab 1 credit,
and some others just lump the two together for 4 credits.
and the grades are usually weighed so labs rate for about 25%
of the final grade.

Similar things happen with Calculus class, I learned how
to solve exam problems but never did figure out how to
actually USE calculus to solve a real world problem.

In undergraduate college, if it doesn't show on the tests,
there's no point in learning it (unless you find something
interesting on its own).